
Saturday, 9 March 2019

Parkfield community school

  1. A comment on this blog article parkfield community school anti lgbt protests
  2. Hello there, I have read your very interesting article. Before I begin, let me say that I am British Chinese, a leftwinger, a Guardian reader and someone whom Britain First and EDL members call a “dhimmi”. If dhimmi is about fighting racism then I am all for it. Ok back to the article.
    First of all homosexuality is genetically defined and not a lifestyle choice. Religion, including Islam, is a lifestyle choice. I totally understand that as a muslim you abhor homosexuality and all that goes with it. The aim of this “No Outsiders” program is not to promote homosexuality like you promote a restaurant or product but to make children understand that other sexual orientations exists. And that people with these sexual orientations should be treated no differently. I full understand that the parents involved and yourself come from a cultural background that finds this uncomfortable. If you find this to be social engineering then so be it, would you find acceptable if it was the other way round where kufr parents removed their children from classes which taught about islam? Don’t think so!
    As a multiculturalist, this article and case raises again the horrible question for us leftwingers “are muslims compatible with Western liberal society”? The protests make it more difficult for us multiculturalists to fight islamophobia and more difficult for us to be antizionist. You mentioned Israel early in your piece, and I have to admit that I wish the Islamic world shared Israel’s tolerance for LGBT rights.

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