
Saturday 26 March 2016

More left stupidity post Brussels

Every now and again I dip into the left wing blog, the Canary, to find out what the other side thinks. So after the Brussels atrocity I saw this rather terrible but typical article.  Here are some highlights from it

"As terrorist attacks hit Brussels on 22 March, anti-Muslim propaganda began to appear online." That's absolutely true but did the author think that without these terror attacks there would be none of this islamophobia?

"The general gist of the arguments was that: Muslims want to kill and subjugate them; ". Actually this is in someways true, there are passages in Koran which extols killing non-believers, in particular,

"Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... ".

So in a way these views have some factual backing and what of the hard evidence?  Once Islam was established, through the Ummayad dynasty it went on a conquering spree, all the way up to the Loire Valley in France, where they were stopped (battle of Tours).  Even the Total War and Age of Empires strategy games depict this.  So in a sense what this article is accusing the right of is actually correct.

And what of the claim that Islam seeks to conquer the west, well this article mentions someone who is not backwards going forwards in implementing this modern day conquest.  I can also point to this clip of radical muslim protesters showing their honesty.

The article mentions the role Saudi funded Wahabism in all this -

"This is not to say that all Wahhabis are terrorists. However, combined with other factors (like marginalisation, for example) Wahhabi indoctrination can be particularly dangerous."

However it abrogates this by mentioning "marginalisation".  It is the terrorists who have marginalized themselves from the rest of society.

"To truly stop terrorism, our governments must first deal with Saudi Arabia’s support for Wahhabi hate preaching around the world. Then, they must work to end the war, exploitation and injustice around the world in which our governments and their allies have all too often played a role."

The article ends with the above paragraph, and mentions that "war, exploitation and injustice" are factors, however what it means by injustice from the muslim point of view is that some in the west are standing up to islamofascism and sharia law.

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