
Monday 25 January 2016

The left's reality problem

During the migrant crisis the media has been drumming the need for Western nations to take in more and more refugees.  We have seen various harrowing images of drowned children, women and children in liferafts who have escaped several warzones etc, but strange that according to even the most reliable figures most of the refugees are fit young men.

The reasons for accepting the refugees are summed up below

  • The west's colonial history.

Somehow modern day Europeans have to pay back the excesses of their forbears.  This is part of the post-colonial guilt trip that I read about.

  • The west is responsible for these wars

To a limited extent yes, US and Uk have been heavily involved in Iraq and Afghanistan for example.  However, a large percentage of the refugees head for places like Germany and Sweden, which have had little involvement in recent wars due to constitution (Germany) and political neutrality (Sweden).  The main source comes from Syria and that conflict started when Syrians started protesting against Assad, the west only got involved when IS came along.

  • The west has all the world's resources

This is an old canard, its true that large amounts of resources flow to the west, but this is all to do with trade, it is all paid for.  In fact in recent years, the world's resources have been flowing towards China.

  • Refugees enrich us with their culture and even add to the economy

Whether foreign cultures can enrich the west is a hotly debated point.  I don't see Chinese, Iranian or whatever non-Western society suddenly deciding it needs cultural enrichment.  As I will point out later it is this cultural difference that leads to problems.

So there you have the left's arguments and I will put the counter point in my next post.

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