
Tuesday 26 January 2016

The left's reality problem 2

Following on from my previous post, the left's reality problem stems from a fear of criticizing or judging non-western cultures especially Islamic culture due to be judged as racist.  Therefore this racist label has been a gag on discussing issues such as Sharia law in the west and also immigration. This has been true in the recent mass rapes that happened in Germany during the new year's eve celebrations.  At first newspapers such as the Guardian were reluctant to report it and when it was making the news in all media, the Guardian's columnists started blaming women, the media and possible racism against migrants rather than the terrible sex attacks.  Instead the Guardian ran the story about West Indian cricketer Chris Gayle chatting up a female reporter and citing that as the worst excess in sexism. Worse was the comparison of the Cologne rapes with stories about how the odd woman is groped at the Oktoberfest and on a Saturday night out.  This was leftwing whattaboutery at its finest, somehow we cannot complain about migrant rapists when European males also commit rapes.

This is a continuation of this left wing meme, basically sexism is bad if it is only committed by white males, if it is committed by non-whites it is excused and always the worst of white male behaviour is mentioned as a mitigation of migrant behaviour.

I remember before the Rotherham rape scandal, the English Defence league talked about muslim rape gangs and leftists mocked this by calling the gangs, muslamic ray guns to ridicule some right winger's speech impediment.  This is not only mocking the EDL but also the victims of these attacks in Rotherham.

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